Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

My Best Anime part 2

Now i want to tell about Detective Conan again :v 

It is why Shinichi changed to conan :

In Detective Conan eps 1 or 2 Shinichi and Ran went to the Amusement Park(Tropical Land) for a date. When they rode the roller coaster , there is an murder case occured . And when shinichi want to solved that case , He saw two man with black robe (it's not just the robe but shirt and all of them is black). Shinichi feel suspicious with them , but Shinichi know they didn't do that. Finally, Shinichi leave ran , follow them and he saw one of them was exchange data with money :v like illegal barter. Shinichi saw that and he doesn't know there was another man in behind he. He get hit at his head , he forced to drink an poison , and he fell fainting to the ground. After He woke up he is changing to Child again.

More Character :
- Detective Boys 
 1. Ai Haibara : In the past she is member of Black Organization .Her codename is "Shery" and her real name is Shiho Miyano , She have an sister named Akemi Miyano. She is Who make APTX4869 (it's poison which make shinichi mengecil). Now she is Conan friend and she always help Conan when Conan investigate Black Organization. She also drink APTX4869 too. She like Conan/Shinichi . And she know about shinichi changing to Conan.

2. Yoshida Ayumi : She is Conan friend in school . She is who recommended to make an child detective. She also like conan but not shinichi. She is also want to become Haibara Best Friend.

3. Kojima Genta: He is Conan friend in school. He is have a fat body (T_T) . His favorite food is eel (belut). He is member of Detective Boys. He like Ayumi.

4. Tsuburaya Mitshuhiko :He is Conan friend in school . He is thin and tall body , he is also smart. He is like science . He is like 2 girl , Ayumi and Haibara . He like Haibara because Haibara characther like adult ( She is actually an adult > 17 ) .

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